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remove summary data rows 1 row below my data rows

5 - Atom

Hello, I am connecting to a csv file that adds information above the headers and below the last row of data. I have figured out how to remove the rows above the headers using the select records tool, however, the file contains varying length of rows, so I don't know how to tell it to delete the summary information located 1 row below my last row of data. Does anyone know how I might accomplish this?

12 - Quasar

Hi @njones , with the data below the last row of data, is there a field that is empty that you can filter on? 


What I mean is, if you have values in field 1, 2, 3, and 4.   Then at footer information you might have 'Total' in field 1, and the amount in field 2.  In this case you would be able to filter where either field 3 or 4 is null.  Is this possible in your example?

13 - Pulsar

Hi @njones 


The best method to remove specific rows based on their location inside of the dataset is the Sample. The select records is good for when you know the quantity of rows. You will have better options to select the rows you want to eliminate. You can use a logic with the RecordID, Sample and Join to remove unwanted specific rows.






Hi @njones - I mocked the following dataset to illustrate my solution:




To skip the first row you need to configure your Input Data tool:



Next step are to remove bottom rows:



I attached the workflow for you.



5 - Atom

This is brilliant thank you
