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"Union" function

5 - Atom

Hi guys


Hoping you can help me - I have uploaded a sheet of P7 data and another sheet of P8 data (exact same format and column names). When I joined them using the "union" function Alteryx has given me an output of everything under P7 instead of flagging the different periods. How do I ask it to give me one file differentiating P7 and P8 ?


thanks - Aine :)


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @amccar29 that is expected behaviour union will stack data vertically it's sound like you need the Join tool which will stack the data horzionatally via postion or a field. I suggest you look at the example for the join tool. 



5 - Atom

Thanks Joseph. I have tried this and it also gives me P7 output only? 🤔

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @amccar29 if you upload some data then it might be easier to advise.

5 - Atom

Hey Joseph - see attached file. I want to Join sheet P7 and sheet P8 but its not returning correctly :(

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @amccar29 do you have a expected output you are trying to achieve as looking at this data I can't see how you join the data so that each line matches another line for example from the different periods?
