Hello all,
Here the error message I have when using a browse with spatial data
There was an error retrieving a map tile : Func 'curl_easy_perform' failed, ret = 35, desc = SSL connect error
Any idea ?
Best regards,
Hello @michelle653burkes
Thanks but since it's alteryx that uses curl (and last release of Alteryx), I have some trouble to know exactly what is the curl query sent (and I can't change verbosity).
I tried PeerValidationBypass.txt as explained here
The map list is here and there is the adress
C:\Users\mysuser\AppData\Local\Alteryx\Settings\DataSets\Maps ==> So it's like https://whitelist.alteryx.com/v1/mapbox/v1/styles/v1/mapbox/light-v10/tiles/256/{TileMatrix}/{TileCo...
I put alteryx.com in the PeerValidationBypass.txt and it doesn't work either...