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multiple rows per ID but need a unique count by ID

8 - Asteroid

I think I'm having trouble explaining my situation in a few words which is why I can't find the answer, which I'm sure is somewhere. Here's my data view situation:


ID     Sent Email Date

1             1-2-2019

1              1-8-2019

1             1-15-2019

2             1-2-2019

2              1-8-2019

3              1-2-2019

3              1-8-2019

3              1-15-2019

3              1-22-2019


So you can see person 1 got 3 emails on 3 dates, person 2 got 2 emails, and person 3 got 4 emails. I don't even care about the sent dates but I want my data to look like this and cannot figure it out


ID        EmailNumber

1                    1

1                    2

1                   3

2                   1

2                    2

3                    1

3                    2

3                    3

3                    4


How do I do this?

8 - Asteroid

Hi @jbuszin 


You can achieve this using multi-row formula tool


Attached the Example





8 - Asteroid

thank you so much!

15 - Aurora

Another option is the Tile tool


Annotation 2020-02-03 071828.png


