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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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missing columns when ingesting excel sheet into workflow

11 - Bolide

Hi all:


This one has me totally stumped...and I'll give a public Kudos to anyone who can solve this.....


I have an excel sheet of about 10 sheets.  

All sheets have same that's good.

9 sheets are ingested issues, except for this one sheet.  One specific date column is not being ingested.

Here's my excel sheet....



...and this is what my Alteryx output looks like....




the column "Actuals/Forecast" has dates in Excel, but they are not brought in viz the SharePoint Connector.


...anyone got any solutions...?


if it helps...I'm using Alteryx Designer v64 version 2022.1.1.25127....non-elevated, and I'm using the SharePoint 2.2.0 plugin



8 - Asteroid

Not really a solution, but more a question, could it be related to that column being color coded? If you remove the format of the color to the column does that have any effect on whether it would be brought in or not?

14 - Magnetar

Are you reading the file using the Sharepoint Files Input? One tool for each sheet?

11 - Bolide

the color format is the same for the same column on the other sheets.  I also tried to remove the color formatting all unsuccessful.

11 - Bolide

no...the SharePoint tool allows us to bring in all sheets.  It uses the 1st sheet as a 'template' then brings in and appends the other sheets as long as they are of the same format / structure.

8 - Asteroid

If you provide what one of the sheets that is being pulled in correctly as a way to compare that would be helpful!

11 - Bolide

Problem solved....this sheet had the column name as "Actuals/ Forecast" the other sheets had it as "Actuals/Forecast"  🙄😔.   where's the "slap on the head" icon when you need it.



14 - Magnetar

Oh OK. 
