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how to connect between check box and list

8 - Asteroid



I have a requirement that if i check the check box then the list box associated with that check box should be activated or listed, how can i achieve it, can anyone help me here

20 - Arcturus

@ravi061 Go to the Interface Designer then move the list box inside the check box


Attaching a sample workflow for your reference






8 - Asteroid

Hi binuacs, thanks for the post, but my requirement for list box has input connection with oracle query input tool, as you said i tried to connect it, but didn't worked.

19 - Altair

Hey @ravi061 - @binuacs is correct. What error are you seeing - Can you share more of your workflow? If you correctly set up the check box/list box in in interface designer you will be able to hide/expand your list box tool as you are requesting. If you have an issue with an input tool - perhaps you can describe it? when you connect an action tool to an input data tool you can put in "update input tool" mode and deselect the "required" checkbox. You will need to do this. You will need to create your full path for your oracle query in your listbox to do what you are doing the way you are trying to do it. If (just a hunch) you are trying to change parameters of your query in a list box tool which is triggered by a check box - you need to re-architect this. I would recommend an enable/disabled container with a text tool to assemble your query in a text format and then to load your query in a macro. Does that sound complicated? TBH - yes. this is complicated.

8 - Asteroid

Hi @apathetichell, Actually my requirement is user should have a option to select particular check box, after selection, user will select the columns from the oracle query input tool dynamically.


So basically i am expecting that List Box tool need to accept two questions input anchors(one for check box and second for selection of dynamical columns from query based input tool). But i can connect only one.



15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @ravi061 


You don't need to connect the check box to the list box in order to affect it. Just use the interface designer to group the two together, and collapse the group when deselected.



Hope that helps,




19 - Altair

editing my statement and noting that @OllieClarke is correct and is reiterating what @binuacs said. The connection occurs in Interface Designer NOT on the Canvas.

8 - Asteroid



Thanks @OllieClarke@apathetichell and @binuacs 
