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help needed with conditional formatting based on column name

8 - Asteroid

Is there a way to create a rule to dynamically activate when additional columns enter the table if they have a specific suffix? for example:


My table has columns of Data and then math done on that data so if say i have Col1 i will also have Col1_math. Can i make conditional formatting apply dynamically when col2, col3, etc. enter my table with their respective _math columns? 


I want to make a dynamic column rule that checks if the column name has _math then apply conditional formatting to the data in that column. I've tried clicking on dynamic or unknown columns and creating a rule on [_current field_] but it's not working. I can't manually adjust each time as columns change depending on who's running the data for which information they want.


Really stuck here.


Edit: attached spreadsheet with the problem. I have say 3 col and 3 calcs that i know of to do conditional formatting on. However, there are 3 more cols and maths to be done in the future. How can I get Alteryx to dynamically add conditional formatting to the calc columns only if they are dynamically added?

12 - Quasar

@Mond would you be able to provide a sample workbook or workflow to take a look at?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

It will be great if you can provide:

  1. Sample data
  2. Your expected Output
  3. Nice-to-haves in your workflow
  4. Any other logic processes to be accounted for

Then we can assist you better in your query.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
8 - Asteroid

@rzdodson @caltang  I added a workbook with data. Essentially you can take one of the col sets to be there previously and any other col sets are new ones that might come in the future. i am trying to figure out if i can filter on _math columns apply conditional formatting and then re-join them together with the non conditionally formatted columns.

8 - Asteroid

seems this is a good option... but it's very technical, i need to figure it out... Solved: Re: Highlight cells that = 'No' across whole workb... - Alteryx Community

8 - Asteroid

I've been able to figure this out using the above mentioned solution. it takes a bit of work, but it does work. will mark that as the solution.
