I have lots of records with an ID and html code. On that html page there are funky chunks of code that I highlighted in red below:
more html...
<p style="padding-left: 30.0px;">Bacon ipsum dolor amet salami t-bone pancetta, chuck leberkas tenderloin pork loin. Filet mignon strip steak pig venison meatball chuck spare ribs <span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">[[--ContentED.9uFvErVUB342rwukUx3H9||Shank sausage pancetta chicken||1758699LJ||Article--]] and [[--ContentED.V1cnQOilHA5234rs4z27ZuA7||Short ribs andouille short loin pork||1753243LJ||Article--]] for more information.</span></p>
<p style="padding-left: 30.0px;">[[[[AssetED.w8dho5pdsfserwerJ0Q7]]]]</p>¶
<p style="padding-left: 30.0px;">[[[[AssetED.icqFyEsdf354wtgs0HwYqwM9·height="305"·width="574"]]]]</p>¶
...more html
I'd like to copy the ID (let's say 2345 for the example above) and the four (or whatever number it is) chuncks into a table that looks like this:
What methods can you suggest? Thanks! - Jimmy
Solved! Go to Solution.
The RegEx pattern (\[{1,4}.*?\]{1,4}) should match strings found between 1 and 4 brackets including the brackets:
Use the RegEx Tool and check tokenize with the pattern above. Select 'Split to Rows'. I've also attached the module so that you can see for yourself.
Beautiful. That worked as I had hoped. Loved learning that too. I have been needing to learn RegEx more and this helps motivates me to do it. Thank you! -Jimmy