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Year on Year score change

7 - Meteor

Hi - I'm looking for advise on creating a yr on yr score change.


I have 5 years of data with scores for various university subjects like this:


2017, Maths, 82

2019 Maths, 80

2020, Maths, 79

2021, Maths, 86

2017, English, 82

2018, English, 90

2019 English, 80

2021, English, 86


I've used the Multi row formula to successfully create a Yr on yr score change however some subjects don't have scores for every year (In the example above Maths doesn't have a score for 2018 and English for 2020.


I would like the yr on yr score to be null (or blank) if the previous year doesn't have a score. Please could somebody advise the best way to achieve this.


Thanks in advance!

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hi @helen_c 


Try this expression in your Multi-Row Formula tool:

iif([Row-1:Year]=[Year]-1, [Score]-[Row-1:Score], null())


Don't forget to group by the subject field!





7 - Meteor

that worked perfectly - thank you.
