Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Writing data to a Location which is created as part of the Process

8 - Asteroid

Hi all,


I'm trying to create a macro which outputs to a location that is created as part of the macro, just in case it does not already exist. The problem is, I have to run it twice as the output tool does not recognise the location on the first run (as it does not yet exist when I hit run). The location (file path) is created one step before the output tool.


I've tried using the Block until Done tool but this does not have the desired effect. Is there any way you can think of that would allow me to make this work in one run?





8 - Asteroid

Thanks for the stars! I posted the directory creation as an idea, here's the link if you wouldn't mind starring that too to help it gain some traction!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

So did the Output actually create the new folder? 

When I test it, even with the "Keep Field in Output" unchecked, it gives the error..."The system cannot find the path specified" when I try to create the folder that way.

8 - Asteroid

The output doesn't create the directory, I have a macro before it which does this using Run Command tools, the problem was that the Output Tool would throw an error and not output as the directory does not exist at the point that I hit run! So the directory would be created but the file would not be saved there until I re-ran it!
