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Write In-DB : Append Existing not possible to select

6 - Meteoroid

I am running Alteryx Designer 10.5 and am experienced a strange things when trying to use In-DB functionality.It might be working as intended, but it seems strange to me.


I am trying to send a data-stream into a Azure SQL Data Warehouse, by using a Data Stream In, and then using Write In-DB. I want the incoming stream to be appended to the existing DB table.


But I am unable to select Append Existing for the Write In-DB tool. I can select it before I connect the tool to the stream, but once connected it dissapears as an option. I have made a simplified (only a Connect In-DB tool and a Write In-Db tool) example in the picture below. As you can see there are suddenly differences in Creation mode options. Is this working as intended?


I have tried testing with a normal Azure SQL server instead of my Azure SQL DataWarehouse, with the same result. I have tested different stream inputs to the Write In-Db (Connect In-Db, Data Stream In). I do not have access to a on-premise SQL database, so can not test if this is an azure "feature" :)


Anyone have any idea why this is happening?





Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

At this time. Azure does not support appending data to the database, therefore appending data is not an option in the Output tool.
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