Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Weighted median ans standard desviation

7 - Meteor



People I am new using Alteryx in my new job In the old one  I was using IBM SPSS.

I am spending a long time to improve my knowledgement on Alteryx but my new boss wants all demands for yesterday....Man Sad



11 - Bolide

Hello @Edu_XGomes,


I think your company will in time come to appreciate the efficiency gains that Alteryx has to offer. Could you please clarify your question? Is the spreadsheet you attached the way your source data looks or does it start out more granular?


I don't know how helpful this would be but below I kind of think through your problem from the perspective of trying to identify the tool to use to accomplish a specific task...


 If you want to... Then you should try...
 Perform a function/calculation/formula involving multiple columns on each row the Formula tool. The formula tool can redefine existing columns or create new ones based on almost whatever kind of calculation you want. For example, you can use the Formula tool to create the "amount people * factor to multiply" column in this problem. 
Calculate a metric or summary statistic on a column of datathe Summarize tool. This tool has a lot of options to get various metrics on a column of data. For example, to get the Standard Deviation of cells A4:A8 in your spreadsheet, you would first filter your data to exclude the last row (i.e. row 9) and then use the Numeric --> Standard Deviation option in the Summarize tool.
Perform a SUM like in ExcelSum option of Summarize tool


With a combination of Formula and Summarize tools you can calculate your weighted average ticket cost as well.
