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VALIDATION of Two list on Alteryx

7 - Meteor

Hello there gurus,


i need help comparing a requested update to the master file after the update to determine if the updates were done. Some requests add new records, and some delete existing records. I want to be able to return a file that tells me the request was done. please help see the sample excel. Record 1 is the request; record 2 is the sample master file after the update. 

15 - Aurora

Can you post a sample workflow?  What have you already tried?  Any specific issues or errors?   Or do you just not know where to start?


Check out these articles and posts:


How To: Compare Data from Two Data sets

Community > Designer > Browse Knowledge > How To: Compare Data from Two Data sets


Comparing Data from Two Sets of Data, Calling out Differences


Compare 2 Data Sets


Community > Getting Started > Alteryx Use Cases > Data Check Between Two Sources





7 - Meteor

I do not have sample workflow , and do not know exactly how to start

20 - Arcturus

@sulebraimah seems to be both reord1 and record2 data are the same. What are the fields you need to compare here? Can you give some more clarity on what needs to be done here based on your given input files?

7 - Meteor

you are right that records 1 and 2 are the same. i did that just to show an example of what i need help with. record 1 usually comes as a request to update some records on SAP, records 2 is usually the global record after the update. so my goal is to compare or match record 1 to record 2 to verify that the update was actually done. what i am looking to do is return an output that tell me the record 1 exists or does not exist in record 2. because the request for update is either a new record or deletion of an existing record

20 - Arcturus

@sulebraimah Can you also tell me why the two records are marked new? Also, are you comparing all the given fields of rows 1 and 2?




7 - Meteor

they are new records to be added to the global records, the first one is mapped to a  parent company and the other one to a general ledger as depicted by the heading (internal char value)
