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Using a List Box to update an Input Tool SQL Query

6 - Meteoroid



I'm creating an analytic App for internal use at my work, and I was wanting to know if a List Box interface tool can be used to update parts of the SQL query I have for the input tool. Essentially there are a large number of clients that I can pull data for. There is a standard report I am trying to build that can be shared to whoever needs it, and I dont want the SQL to have to pull every single clients data first, and then having a list box to choose the clients the user is looking for, as this would probably slow down the time it takes to pull the data. So i was hoping to add this list box to the input tool.



my SQL


Select Distinct

"Data Element 1"

"Data Element 2"

"Data Element 3"


From "TABLE A"


Where "Client Name" in ('Client Name 1','Client Name 2','Client Name 3')


What im trying to achieve is a list box that will contain client names and will replace the underlined section with what ever client names are picked from the list box.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor



I would build the SQL query up as shown below and then use it with a Dynamic Input tool to load execute the desired query



