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Use dynamic output to output three tables into one tab

8 - Asteroid

Hi all, 


I have a problem of dynamic output.  I want each 'study_sid' to be its own Excel 'FILE' and within the file, each plcy_nbr to be its own tab. Each tab i want to have three tables separately. I know how to do this for one table each tab but struggles for three tables. The sample input has 2 study id and 2 plcy_nbr each id. So it should be 2 excel files and 2 tabs each file and three tables each tab. 


Any idea?



12 - Quasar

Hi @DannisMen to create a tab with the 3 tables each in each tab, you can use the Join Multiple tool, and Join by Record Position, to add your 3 table snippets on the same record line, then combine them together into a single snippet using the Layout tool, and then Render that new single snippet.


I haven't used the Render tool to create Multiple Sheets with Multiple Tabs, personally I've found it easier to create batch macro for each report.  

8 - Asteroid

Would you mind give me a simple example? I'm still a bit confused. 


Thank you!

12 - Quasar

@DannisMen I've attached a simple workflow to show you what I mean about combining the 3 tables.


Rendering to Excel doesn't seem to be great at spacing out the tables, compared to say rendering to a pdf.  So I've included another example which add a title for each table that you would use in the Layout tool to put above each table.


Hope that helps, 



8 - Asteroid

This is great. But PLCY_NBR and study SID would be random in the later run. In the pic, this is what i used for exporting to different tabs and files based on those two columns. My current problem is i cannot put three tables in one tab and still output them dynamically. Does it make sense?



5 - Atom

Good Afternoon,


Did you ever find a solution for this, as I do have a solution that I identified in a workflow a couple years ago.


 I have three separate tables outputting in different parameters to 8 different tabs. Let me know if you still need the solution.


Thank you!


