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[Urgent] Radio button in Analytics App


Hi guys!

I wanna build a consolidated workflow (an Analytic App) in which it contains 2 separated workflows (*). There will be:


(a) a File browse tool included in the workflow to select Input file and a Folder browse to decide folder path for final output file


(b) 2 Radio button (item 01 and Item 02) and each item will trigger a separated workflow (*) to get different kind of output.

-- If wrongly select file in the first step => the flow will not run, so I need an error message in Analytic App form require user to switch the Radio button or re-select the Input file.


How can I do all of those things (combine 2 interface tool)


@hungdm  try using radio buttons to dynamically disable the other workflow in a tool container.  In the attached example, when the user selects option A, the container for workflow B will be disabled, and the inverse when the user selects option B in the radio button selection.




17 - Castor
17 - Castor

How will you determine if the Input file matches the "Item" type? You can build that logic check into the app interface using the Error Message tool (I've attached an example of this).


What I'm wondering is if there's a systematic way to determine if the file input is "Item 01" or "Item 02", then maybe we can skip the radio buttons all together to make the interface experience even better (but really to reduce user error). 



Also, nice work @Aaron_Harter. That workflow is function AND form. 




If an input file is wrongly selected, the workflow will not run properly, I suppose

=> that's the fundamental for determining if "Input file matches the "Item" type?"

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@hungdm wrote:

If an input file is wrongly selected, the workflow will not run properly, I suppose

=> that's the fundamental for determining if "Input file matches the "Item" type?"

Right on. How would you know if it was wrongly selected? Is there any difference between the two files? FIle name? Field schema? value range? I'm interested in that information so we could potentially build that check into the application. 


Sorry for making you misunderstand. The input files will have different schema. I did complete my workflow thanks to your suggestion.

Thanks you so muchhhhh!!!!


Hi @Aaron_Harter ,

In case there are multiple containers in the workflow, how can I modify your flow to select least between Action Tools?

For example:

There are containers A, B,C; by using this method, I have to connect the Action Tools of Radio Button A to the Containers B and C to disable those 2 containers. 

