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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Urgent Help

8 - Asteroid

I have an excel file


columns are as below:




job title

period start date

periods end date


i need help to build a workflow i want to filter the data where each employing having start date and end date cannot come to office during those days.



12/31/2021 start

12/31/2023 end




12/31/2021 start

12/31/2023 end


so sahil , 101 emp# cannot come to office from start date to end date .


  • i am unable to filter the data please help

I will thwn join thw file to see employees under this sheet 1 is not coming under sheet 2 due to  non office period days

20 - Arcturus

@SahilArora3139 Try something like below


15 - Aurora

After you import the data from Excel, what is the data type for your Start Date and End Date?  If the data type is string, try the DateTime tool to convert to data type Date.


Then use a Filter tool.  What should the Filter logic be based on?  You have Start and End date, but what do you want to compare those dates to?  Current date?


What do you want the final output to look like?  

8 - Asteroid

So i have a on site date in sheet 2 

from where i have to check that people in sheet 1 betwwen start date and end date should not be there in sheet 2 which is on site sheet and that to only for on site assignments but can be there in sheet 2 only for off site assignments

15 - Aurora

Filter your sheet2 for On Site only

Join sheet1 and sheet2.  Then Filter for: [sheet2.on site date] between [sheet1.start date] and [sheet1.end date]


8 - Asteroid

Sheet 1 cannot be filtered as per on site as that is just for dates verification that sheet 2 cannot be in sheet 1 during that period mentioned in sheet 1.


sheet 2 has to be designed as per logic and then joined with sheet 1

15 - Aurora

Please post input data, and desired output.  I'm not able to understand your requirements.

8 - Asteroid

sheet 2: start date and end date is the basis for me to check in sheet 1 that this emp is not present in sheet 1 during that period (start date and end date)

15 - Aurora

I'm guessing you just need to import both Sheets, then use a Join tool, and you'll want the output from either the Left or Right output anchor from the Join tool


What have you tried so far?  Can you post a sample workflow? 


Have you tried the Learning Paths and Interactive Lessons at the top of this page under Learn > Academy?  It seems like you need just basic tools.


But I'm still not able to fully understand your requirements.  For example, in your JPEG file is the text "should not be there is sheet 1".   I'm guessing this means "I need to identify any records in Sheet 2 that also exist in Sheet 1".  


Without better instructions, including sample input and expected output in a table, I don't think I can help.



18 - Pollux

@SahilArora3139 - hey - have to second what @ChrisTX is mentioining - if you go through the academy you should be able to learn the basic tools (ie filter) pretty quickly.
