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Update the column without editing the workflow

5 - Atom

Hi, is there anyway we can update the column without editing the workflow but using the external file.


For example,


I have input 1 in excel:


File Name
Star ag Report 
Moon gr Report
Sun random letter
River random letter


I use the formula to create a new column contract based on the File Name string. like if File Name contains 'Star' then Star.


File NameContract
Star ag Report Star
Moon gr ReportMoon
Sun random letterSun
River random letterRiver


Since there will be more and more File Name created and I don't want to open the workflow every time to update the formula, is there any better solution? Like to create an external excel if the File Name contains string in the excel then update to the contract 


If file name contains stringUpdate the Contract 


File Name is not standardized and will contain some other string, so join can't be used.


Thanks in advance. 

13 - Pulsar

Hi @eZXY 


You could use the Find Replace Tool in conjuction with a Lookup table like so:



If you make the Lookup input an external Excel file which you can update as and when required, the settings within the Find Replace tool will automatically pick up the string and add the Contract column. It also will not matter where in the file name the word is. Settings for the tool are below:



Also attached the workflow for you to look at.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

You could pair a Directory tool and the formula tool to get your CONTAINS statement to fetch you the match you want, then set the update to the name. 

Since you don’t want to keep updating the workflow, you could make it an analytic app where your directory tool is static, but you can update the formula using a text input tool to replace the statement within the formula tool. 

If your data set is huge, then @DavidSkaife ‘s method is a better pick.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
5 - Atom

Thank you. It works well. 


Is it the best solution that if I need to match 2 strings in the filename, I need to add 2 find replace tools? 


Let the first find and replace match the first required string and 2nd match the second required one, then formula?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

It will help if you can tag @DavidSkaife - that way he is notified of your response. Otherwise it will not go anywhere.... until he checks of course.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE