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Update a SQL string to extract based on dynamic list of values

8 - Asteroid



I try to download from a db all consumption for all meters, and as the loading takes too much I want to download only the values that interest me, for example only the meters that I want to check against. 


What I want to achieve: I have this dynamic list of meters that must be checked against what consumption exist for each of them only on the db, if there is already a consumption I have to sum with the current one and will update values afterwards. 


The question is if there is a way to update the SQL string always where my list will be '1111, 22222, 44444' for example or the string below: 


Below is one example where I update a client name manually when using the app on this string via an Update value tool, but now I want to dynamically this query to be updated and extract only my list above..if is possible.




Is this something achievable? I do not find any way to make it work.


Thank you!


16 - Nebula

Hi @Tmanuela ,


This can be done with a Dynamic Input tool. If you open the example of the tool, you will find a flow that shows you how to update the Where Clause in a SQL query



