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Union Tool - Not Stacking Data Together

8 - Asteroid

Hi there,


I am trying to "Union" two datasets and the configuration is:


However, even if the column name and the datatype is the same; instead of stacking the data on top of each other, I get two columns with the same name but one containing data from dataset 1, and the other containing data from dataset 2. 


Is there something I have to ensure is the same so the Union tool stacks the data on top of each other instead of creating two columns?


Thank you so much!

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

@Kristie_Pires ,


 interesting concept.  Can you switch to manually configure (instead of auto by name) and see if the banners are truly the same (case insensitive).  You can also move fields together wit arrows ➡️⬅️




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21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Most likely there are some white spaces in the field names of the "two columns with the same name".
Can you double check if there is any space before or after the field names?

Basically Alteryx will not allow two fields with the same names.

8 - Asteroid

Thank you @MarqueeCrew - I ended up manually configuring the Union tool, and that worked. But the banners were not the same.
