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Trying to determine if a 2 different cells have a number and return a statement if so

8 - Asteroid

Hi All - I'm sure this is a simple formula but I can't see to get it right! I'm new to Alteryx and any help would be greatly appreciated. I have attached a simple version of my data so you can see what the input is and what I want the output to look like. I have two different columns that I'm trying to see if one of them contains a number, to return a bespoke statement in the comments column. If these said 2 columns don't have a number in them, just return blank (empty in comments field for that SID). Once you see the attachment, hopefully it will make some sense! Thank you in advance :) 

20 - Arcturus
21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

by " if one of them contains a number", I interprete that there is also case that it contains characters?

I use a RegEx to check if any of the two cells having integer or dicimal number.


8 - Asteroid

@binuacs Thank you so much for this :) 
