Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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To always add a space before every "("

5 - Atom

Hello everyone!


Just wondering if anyone knows how to add a space before every occurrence of a "(" that is directly attached to a word without a space?


For example:

Amanda does not have a space before "(", so we should add one space for her, while Eric remains as it is:


Student InfoUpdated Student Info
Eric (12345)Eric (12345)
Amanda(45678)Amanda (45678)



Thank you in advance 😍

7 - Meteor

something like this?

Add Space Reply.JPG

11 - Bolide

REGEX is the quickest and most succinct for a one tool solution, however you can make it more "explainable" with the below:


  • You could filter the data looking for Contains([Student Info],' (').
  • The false will then give you all the records that don't contain the space/bracket combo.
  • A formula to replace([Student Info],"("," (") should then put a space before each open bracket.
  • Union to bring it back together.

The REGEX replace in the regex tool would be something like ([A-z])(\() with Replacement Text being $1 \( if you wanted to go that way.


Note: Sorry I just noticed this is tagged Designer Cloud. I'm not totally sure the above will work in Designer Cloud as I don't know the product, but my answer is relevant to Designer Desktop.

5 - Atom

Both methods work perfectly!



Thank you all so much 😍
