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Tips: how to better control Designer upgrades


Hi Alter.World,


I'm sharing a tips I discover recently to prevent Designer to propose an upgrade through a pop-up.


Why this can be useful?


If you deployed the Alteryx platform widely in your organization and want to ensure all version are sync, you can block the access on our download center and package your own internal App Store but you can also use the configuration files as follow.


What to block:


The idea is to prevent this pop-up to appear to avoid any user to have a different version than others




Any user can choose to hide the message for some time using the options on the left.


How to industrialize it:


This manual action actually write into a configuration file: UserSettings.xml


You can find this file in C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Alteryx\Engine\2020.4

Once inside, look for this entry:


You can now setup a date here and include this file in each installation.


Hope this can help!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Super useful tip - thank you @mathieuf - especially within a corporate env where the version is tightly managed.
