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Take a value as a constant and repeat it in a new field

7 - Meteor

Good dears!


How can I create a new field with a value that I have in the first row of an excel file. That is, I want that value to be repeated in all the rows but in a new field.


In a programming language, you would store that value in a variable and perform an iteration to repeat it.



I attach an image.


Thank you very much and greetings!!

17 - Castor

Hi @GusDC 


You could use a sample tool to isolate the first record, then an append fields tool to append it to the dataset. 

13 - Pulsar

Hi @GusDC , in Alteryx you would use the Append Fields tool. Here's an example that matches your picture:



15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @GusDC 


Please refer to the attached workflow.

Trick here is to put 2 Input tool which read the same Excel file, but different configuration; One read only first row while another one read data from 4th row.

Also by using cross tab tool, new column name is set to the value located in F1 in excel file.


7 - Meteor

Thank you very much @FinnCharlton   @gawa  and @Luke_C  !   🤗
