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Table Comparison Question

7 - Meteor

Hi all, 


I'm pretty new to Alteryx but the help within this community has been awesome so far, so here goes my first question! 


I'm hoping someone will be able to help with this, I have built 2 tables using the basic table tools and I have them displayed side by side having used the union tool and then Layout tool. The other issue I have is that my data doesn't match year for year so in the tables it looks a bit odd.


What I'd like to do now is add a comparison to the right hand side of the data with some rules that show where the count of data has increased or decreased, I've included some sample data, happy to answer any further questions.




17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @alteryxkev 


Welcome to the community!


You can't compare data from 2 Table objects from the Reporting tools palette. You're better of combining the data first into a single table with a Join tool before you convert them to a Reporting Table object. This way you can calculate the difference with a formula tool. You can create the colour symbols within the Table tool.

7 - Meteor

Thanks @DavidP, I've had a further look, and I'm closer, but I have another query. I've done some joins and then unioned the data back together so its in a joined up table, however for some Invoice Years I have multiple years, how do I sort this so I only have one line item per year, data attached to review. 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @alteryxkev 


You can use the sort tool to sort  your data by invoice year, but you then have to decide which of the 2 entries for a specific year you want to keep.


There are lots of ways that you can do this.


In the attached example I show both the Unique and Sample tools.




7 - Meteor

Hi David, this support has been really useful, I really appreciate it. 


I realise in my earlier post I wasnt that clear with what I was asking, from the sample data, I'd like to keep all invoice count numbers, but add them all into one line item per year, and then the formula comparisons do their thing. 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @alteryxkev 


Hopefully I understand correctly now. Have a look at the attached workflow and specifically how I use the Tile tool to separate the 2 lines for each year in order to combine them to a single row.




7 - Meteor

Thats awesome, thanks so much for your help! 
