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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Structure Data for Analysis

8 - Asteroid

Hi all, I have a requirement where I have a consolidated file where there are different columns with one column having Group name with all the Group POCs writing their answers for each of the 6 questions provided to them, 6 questions have 6 column, the answers are 'Yes' or 'No' or 'Blanks'. with each question there is a exception category question. In the output I want to get all the questions to be in one column and next to each row there has to be answer which has to be in percentage, how can we achieve this in Alteryx? I am attaching my data and the output attachments, kindly help me out. If the output is complicated in Alteryx we can also use the transformed data to display output in Tableau, Even if the data can be ready for Visualization in Tableau or Power BI, that will also help me out, like the data can be shaped and transformed in Alteryx and then we can use Tableau to populate the results.


Sharing 2 files 1st is the raw file and 2nd is the Output how I want my data to be displayed.

11 - Bolide

@Kaish check out the attached solution. This is pretty close to your output png it is just missing the merged cell header. The null exception row is due to a column missing from the input data set.
