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Standard Deviation using Multiple Column Groupings

7 - Meteor

Hello Alteryx Community!


I am attempting to determine if values in my data-set are outliers. Of course, to do this, I need to calculate standard deviation first. 


My data can have occurrences where different customers can purchases the same items, so I created an ID to join the two together (SmithA1 and Brown A1). Grouping by this CustomerID, I need to calculate if $ Error for any given week in a range of weeks is outside of 3 St. Deviations from the norm. If so, I would like to deem the week an outlier.


I have attached an image below, as well as an example of the file I am using. The columns with blue headers are how my data is already set up, and I would like to use Alteryx to calculate the columns with yellow headers. I have attemped to solve this using the Summarize Tool, but am running into a wall.


Thank you in advance!



7 - Meteor

I got it. Thank you 

7 - Meteor

Can you share your workflow? im new to alteryx and I think is the direction i need to go.


