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Size Limit for an Input

8 - Asteroid

Hi Everyone!


Does anyone know how much size could an Input (Excel file, for example) be uploaded in Alteryx Designer? I'm trying to execute a workflow I made, but the thing is one of the inputs has too much data, and its size is 88MB.


Is there a way to solve it and process the data?


I'd appreciate your support



11 - Bolide

Hi @Cfdiaz2103 

could you share an image of the error that is appearing? 

I have loaded and processed very large excel files, maybe is something to do with the input tool configuration. 

8 - Asteroid

Hi @grchavarri .


Sure. No problem.


Attached you can find the error message.


Thanks in advance

11 - Bolide

Hi again @Cfdiaz2103 

Few questions:

1. Are you saving the file o trying to upload it?

2. The file that you are trying to upload or save is an xls o xlsx?

3. How many rows have the data had?




8 - Asteroid

Hi @grchavarri 


1. I'm trying to upload it into a Input Tool

2. It's a .xlsx file

3. Currently, the sheet I need to upload has 668.318 records. However, as time goes by, the number of records should increase.



11 - Bolide

Hi @Cfdiaz2103


I have been doing some tests with different files (all over 80MB and more than 700K lines and its working perfectly), do you have any fields that could be longer than expected? I mean, do you have any columns that could have more than 255 characters? As far as I know, maybe that could be the problem loading the file.

To try something diferent in case theres any input tool configuration error, have you tried to drag the file from the folder directly in a new workflow?



8 - Asteroid

Hi @grchavarri!


I forgot to mention... I'm dragging this input from a Sharepoint path, not from my local folders on my PC. Maybe that's something that could make any difference in order to upload the file as an input.



11 - Bolide

Hi again @Cfdiaz2103 

I have read that alteryx connection with SharePoint sometimes goes to an error, same as some Drive cases. I've reported already a similar problem with Drive.

Which alteryx version are you using? as far as I know, alteryx is migrating the calculations to AMP Engine in the newest versions of the tool. 


If you have a newer version than the 2021.2 then try to run the workflow using AMP Engine as in the image below, and let's see if it solves the problem. 


Let me know if its working, hope it helps.

8 - Asteroid

Hi @grchavarri!
Thanks. That really works 😊
