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Scheduler Issues latest version

6 - Meteoroid

I am having some issues with the non server scheduler since updating to newest version 2020.3.5. 
Prior to the update all my scheduled workflows ran without any issues. Post update some run while others just sit in a "Queued" status. I have checked the system settings multiple times and no matter what I do the workflows just stay Queued. 

I have also tried to completely create brand new schedules and that did not work. Only solution I have is a restart of the PC, every time I restart a few will kick off while others stay queued.


Has anyone come across this issue with the latest version and if so what is a way to get this fixed?


Thanks in advance for your help.


Workflows will stay queued until the workflows before them finish. The engine is set to run a certain number of workflows simultaneously (number of cores divided by 2 is the recommended number), and it will pick up a new workflow when the previous one completes. If you have 100 workflows scheduled it won't run 100 simultaneously. 


6 - Meteoroid

Hi @BrandonB ,


Thanks for getting back to me. I have the number of simultaneous workflows to 4 in my settings. We have a dedicated HVD with its own Alteryx + Scheduler license that we use for the workflows. I build the workflows on my computer under my license and then use the dedicated HVD to schedule them. We set this up so in case I am out of the office or my computer isn't on the workflows still run as scheduled.


I have not had any issues for over a year until the upgrade last week. Last few days have been the same. When I check in the morning all workflows are stuck as queued and none are complete or even initialized until I restart the HVD. After restart some kick off and complete while others stay as queued for the rest of the day.


Any other suggestions on why this might be happening after the upgrade? I have also opened up a case with Alteryx support for this issue.




5 - Atom

Same issue. Has anybody found a solution to this?
