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Alert creation /Conditional Formatting to data

8 - Asteroid

Hi Everyone,


I'm new to Alteryx please help me to deal with this scenario.


I have sales data attached in the question and want to add alerts on basis of different conditions.


1. My main aim is I want to throw an alert for each weekdays. I wanted to check that Is my every Monday( or any other workday)  sales falls within range or not ? if not its throws an alert  .


So How should I proceed to create that alert ??

other than average can we use any other statistical term like variance/Standard deviation  for that?


Also can we add any holiday logic to this ?(public holidays )


Please suggest if you ideas. Help will be greatly appreciated.



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @ash25sumbre ,


You can use the email tool to trigger an alert as below:



This is checking that figures fall within a range, then creating a table and emailing this to a recipient.




I've attached the workflow.


Alternatively, you can use the message tool to trigger an error, and use this in conjunction with the Events tab to create an event on error.

This depends on the use case.

The workflow I've attached will send you an email when the sales fall within a range for a given week.


Hope this helps,




12 - Quasar

Hi @ash25sumbre 


Try this.  Modify attached wf accordingly to suit your thresholds.



22 - Nova
22 - Nova

you have done some high-level stuff @HomesickSurfer 😎

8 - Asteroid

Thank you for your help . it Looks great .I will try this

8 - Asteroid

Hi @HomesickSurfer ,


thanks for your help . I've try this and really amazing to create alerts  .

but  had small doubt if we have only column of actual sales and not of forecast sales .i.e. Week, Day, Date and Actual. 

Then how we can use variance and standard deviation based on actual values to create alert.


Can you please explain me ?


Also can we use any other statistical method ?


the help will greatly appreciated.



8 - Asteroid

Hi @mceleavey 


thanks for the solution . It helped me a lot .


Can you please explain me the alternative part  little more in detail/with example which you posted in comment ?

( use the message tool to trigger an error, and use this in conjunction with the Events tab to create an event on error.)



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