Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Running Excel macro works from Designer, but it does not work from scheduler or server

5 - Atom

I have to update an Excel report daily, but I must save the data in a Table format. I have created an Excel macro which I trigger from Designer to remove the table format before updating the Excel spreadsheet and another macro to reinstate the table format after the report is updated. The process works flawlessly from Designer, but it does not work when I published it in my company Alteryx server nor it works when running from the Scheduler. 


Hi @HenryGD 


Do you have your macro in a location that the server and scheduler can access?

5 - Atom

Yes, the macros are accessible from the server. I ran the workflow using designer from the server and the process worked as expected. The problem is that when I schedule the job to run daily, the macros are not triggered but the rest of the process works: I tried both using the Scheduler from Designer and publishing the workflow and got the same results.

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @HenryGD 


Some thoughts and questions

1.What error messages do you see when you run from the server or with scheduler?

2.the macro uses the run command, which isn't allowed on a server, unless you mark the workflow as Unrestricted

3.Your Run Command references this path "C:\HENRY\VBA_ConvertToTable.vbs" .  Does this exist on the server and does the service account that runs the gallery have access to it?  When using scheduler, does the service account that runs Scheduler have access to the path?  If it's run using Local System it May not have access.

4.Is Excel installed on the server and does the Service account have access to run it?

