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Returning a word following a specific word/character

5 - Atom

Hi Team! I am trying to return both first and last name (high-lighted below) from a field with multiple rows (a cell with multiple lines of strings): 


Requested For: John Smith 

Start Date: 2020-03-10

First Name: Chad

Last Name: Johnson

Department: Marketing

Hiring Manager: John Smith 


I would like to get the results in two separate fields, for example: "Chad" in "Column 1" and "Johnson" in "Column 2"

I've been playing with RegEx to parse the data but I am unable to configure the correct expression; my current expression is (\"Name":)(.*?)s{1,}


Can you please help me to configure the correct expression? Please let me know if there are other ways to go about this as well. Thank you so much for your help!  

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @danijung 


You can use two REGEX tools in Parse Method.


One with this expression - .*First Name: (.*?)$.*

The second one with this expression - .*Last Name: (.*?)$.*





