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Rendering to Multiple Excels Does not work in my current data format

7 - Meteor



I'm having issues figuring out how to get my desired output to split data into multiple Excel files. My issue is my final desired output format is not suitable to render multiple output files by the output path. So I'm including my data before I transposed (Output Data) it to my final format (Transposed Output) and see how I can break split the data by Fund Name/Output Path and then transpose it and render the data. I tried building a macro but I couldn't figure out how to get the multiple Excels to be transposed and then rendered. 


To reiterate - the Output Data is just the data before I transposed it which I think is the format it needs to be to be split by Output Path. The Transposed Output is my desired output format for the multiple excel files.



Thank you!!

20 - Arcturus

@nfontenot here is the batch macro which saves output in different excel files based on the fund


7 - Meteor

Thank you!
