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Error Message - Access Database Issue?

6 - Meteoroid

I just updated this database this morning without issue, but needed to append new data, so I followed the same steps I always have, but now I'm getting this error:


DataWrap2OleDb::SendBatch: Microsoft Access Database Engine: Cannot open database


The workflow I'm using pulls from that Access database, combines with data from a .csv, then writes to a new table in that Access database. The error isn't occurring at the input, only on the output data. The data looks fine on the step before the output data to Access.


Any idea why I'm suddenly getting this error?

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @tsbryan 


While Access is supposed to be multi-user, I have seen cases where the file can be locked for write, specifically if someone has it open while performing DDL operations.  The file remains available for read operations though.


Things to look for.

Other people performing DDL on the file.

A previous run of your workflow that somehow left the connection and hence the file open.  Try closing Designer completely to trouble shoot this. 



