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Renaming Excel output having two sheets after every run of batch macro

6 - Meteoroid



I want to rename my existing excel file having two excel sheets after every run of Batch Macro.

I am changing data in required information tab through batch macro, but i also want to create new file with these two tabs after every run of batch macro.Capture.PNG



19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @Kanika29 


Use a formula tool to build a new unique file name for each iteration of the macro, 


"c:\output\"+[SomeKey]+"SignOff Sheet.xlsx"


[SomeKey] is the value that will be unique for each iteration.   Configure the output tool in your batch macro to use this field as the file path.





12 - Quasar




To create the new file, use 2 Output tools and specify the sheet names you want to create using "|||" as below.





To change the data in your existing file, use the Output Option Overwrite Sheet or Range.


6 - Meteoroid

I want both the tabs while renaming the existing file. In required information tab I am changing the data using batch macro, also I want sign off sheet as it is in renamed file. @
