Is there a way to remove columns and change column headers to uppercase without using a select tool? Everything should be done using a single tool!
If you dont consider the Dynamic Select as Select tool it can be used to remove columns, but cannot Change the filed name to upper cases, which can be done by Dynamic Rename.
so my answer is we can not do both with one single tool.
Hope someone else has an idea.
That is the only thought that comes to my mind as well. But the challenge that I am trying to solve says using a "single" tool to do both but without using normal select tool.
Hello, @adriancontini08.
I made a standard macro. I believe it is working as you intend. Please see attached. Edit: included a small error message in the standard macro if no fields are selected.
Standard Macro
Join tool? 😂
lol probably. But its such a weird challenge question 😂. Join is so basic, why would someone use Join instead of select, but the question says no select. Initially I thought in Dynamic Select, we could rename as well
Thank you the macro looks good, but still the problem is Macro is a combination of multiple tools so there it fails the criteria
Is it possible to post the challenge here? hope not one of those certification questions, which we can not post. 😂