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Removing Duplicates

8 - Asteroid

Hi all,


I joined two files together, then I created a formula to change a fee to zero. Now I'm "union-ing" the new data set with the original data (which contains more records) but I want to filter out the duplicates. I know that the fees with zero have to stay, but how do I take out the other ones? 

The data is confidential so I can't share the files.



Thank you in advance!! 

8 - Asteroid


You can use this tool "Unique Tool" to filter out any duplicated in the data. 

Select the fields you want and this tool filters out the duplicates based on that combination. 

Let me know if this works

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Kristie_Pires 


Additionally, if you always want fee = 0 to be selected over you can sort the data ascending on fees and then use unique. Refer the below workflow.





Hope this helps : )

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @Kristie_Pires 


If you change your workflow to look like this, you avoid getting duplicates in the first place.




The items that match from both lists come out the J input.  The L input contains the records from the first file with no matches in the second.  Simply Union the two outputs and you'll have the output you're looking for.


Note: This assumes that each of the input lists has no duplicates internally. 




8 - Asteroid

Thank you @amadar@atcodedog05 and @danilang  for showing me different solutions! I am new to Alteryx and having this community makes things so much easier 😊


Have a great day!

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Happy to help : ) @Kristie_Pires 


If you do face with duplicates issues later you would know what to do 🙂

Cheers and have a nice day!
