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Remove a specific random ASCII character -- Eth

13 - Pulsar

My source documents are PDFs exported to TXT.  The export to TXT created some ASCII symbol artifacts that I need to cleanse from my fields.


The specific offending character is Eth.  Depending on your source, it can be character 208, 209, or neither.  The hex code appears to be D0.  


I tried the similar solution in a few iterations (using as is and with the specific hex code.   See similar  This removes it, but it also removes all spaces and punctuations.  




Screen Shot 2019-10-22 at 11.13.11 AM.png

15 - Aurora

Hey @hellyars 


Did you try the one further down on that page? [^ -~]

13 - Pulsar

Doh.  That totally works.  


REGEX_Replace ([Field], "[^ -~]", "")
