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Receiving Error "Cannot find macro "google sheets output/supporting_macros..."

5 - Atom

Good Morning, 


I recently joined the BA team for a new company that previously had 3 BAs, 2 of them quit and it is just 1 and now me. We just installed Alteryx on my computer but we are running into an issue any time I attempt to run a script and we can't figure out how to fix the issue. 


The error we are getting is "Cannot find macro "Google Sheets Output\Supporting_Macros\GoogleSheetsOutput.yxmc" We have downloaded the google drive tool and it did not help. We are at a lost macroerror.png

13 - Pulsar

You can try changing the path to absolute path in workflow dependency and check or check the path of macros in work dependency and add your macros to the same folder.


