Python Code Tool Script Runner Macro (Code Injection)
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Hi everyone,
More and more during my sessions with our customers, I am getting questions about utilizing existing python scripts with Alteryx Designer Python Code tool.
This especially whenever developers/ coders/ data scientists use some version of VC/ GIT to manage their Python code repos.
How can we automate a load of a py script into the Python Code tool in Alteryx Designer (de-facto inject the code into the tool)?
Note: As much as a would like to take all the credit for this one and say I spend many a sleepless night putting this together, this bit was actually created by the engineering team in Alteryx @PetrT
Oh wait - I did find this picture above. And created the macro around it... And tried to be (unsuccessfully) funny about it.
Here goes the workflow simple sample of a workflow utilizing that Python Script Runner/ Injector macro:
0/ The macro itself has two inputs, one for the file info (F), one for data (D) which is left optional
1/ Take FOLDER where your PY script is saved (could be relative or absolute) and FILE name of your script (PY format)
2/ Take DATA in the tabular format from Alteryx workflow to feed to the script (you can play with the macro to expand to multiple inputs)
3/ OUTPUT of the macro streams out the data from the Python Code tool
The macro itself is relatively simple, all that magic really happens in the injection script within that Python code tool
The code is here
# List all non-standard packages to be imported by your
# script here (only missing packages will be installed)
from ayx import Package
from ayx import Alteryx
df ="#1")
# Load the params from the input
folder = "" #Placeholder for folder with a script
script_file = "" #Placeholder for file with a script
for index, row in df.iterrows():
folder = row[0]
script_file = row[1].replace("\\","/")
from ayx import Alteryx
import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import re
workflow_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.normcase(Alteryx.getWorkflowConstant("Engine.WorkflowDirectory")))
temp_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.normcase(os.environ['TEMP']))
except Exception as e:
print('Cannot determine temp dir. ' + str(e))
temp_dir = None
if workflow_dir is not None and temp_dir is not None:
if os.path.samefile(workflow_dir, temp_dir):
is_debug_workflow = True
is_debug_workflow = False
is_debug_workflow = None
if is_debug_workflow:
debug_workflow_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'debug_temp.yxmd')
str_xml = open(debug_workflow_path, "r", encoding='utf-16').read()
except Exception as e:
print('Cannot parse debug workflow: ' + str(e))
str_xml = None
if str_xml:
workflow_xml = ET.fromstring(str_xml)
if workflow_xml:
for element in workflow_xml.iter('Node'):
if element.find('GuiSettings').attrib['Plugin'] == 'AlteryxGuiToolkit.TextBox.TextBox':
debug_text_box = element.find('Properties').find('Configuration').find('Text').text
original_workflow = debug_text_box[
debug_text_box.find('<Module>') + 8:debug_text_box.find('</Module>')]
workflow_dir ='(.*)\\(.*)', original_workflow).group(1)
except Exception:
print('workflow_dir: ' + str(workflow_dir))
code_path = os.path.join(workflow_dir, folder, script_file)
exec(open(code_path).read(), globals())
Actually, all that magic boils down to the last two lines which just simply load the PY script from your file system location using those FOLDER and SCRIPT FILE inputs.
Why all the code then? To fix this across situations like running the workflow in DEBUG mode, from TEMP location, etc.
What actually happens when you hit run in your DESIGNER? This code just simply finds&reads your PY script and executes it from the Python Code tool.
Note: You may wonder how my Iris Script I am running this way looks like, especially to handle the input data and output data connections.
Notice that the macro is built now in such a way to get DATA from Connection #2. And write back is based again just how you define the Alteryx.write() function.
from ayx import Alteryx
#read the iris dataset
data ="#2")
#print out input data
#import scikit learn kmeans package
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
#subset data to features used for clustering
clusData = data [['SepalLengthCm','SepalWidthCm','PetalLengthCm','PetalWidthCm']]
#fit subset feature to 3 clusters
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=3, random_state=0).fit(clusData)
#import matplot lib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#create scatter plot
plt.scatter(clusData["SepalLengthCm"], clusData["SepalWidthCm"],c=kmeans.labels_)
#add scatter title
plt.title("Iris Clusters")
#Write back the kmeans labels to the workflow downstream
#First need to convert to Pandas DF
import pandas as pd
#labelsDf = pd.DataFrame(data=kmeans.labels_)
data['labels'] = kmeans.labels_
The sample workflow + code injection macro is attached. By all means, you can play some more with this and make it more to your liking.
Hope you find this useful :-)
Big shout out to @PetrT again for trying to hide this one away from me for not that long actually. Cheers!
Sales Engineer
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Thank you for the macro it works great.
Has anyone had success using this to import a local module?
I have a which is being called by the macro which calls some sub modules. I am able to run the main file but when it looks for the modules I get an error.
Simple directory example:
Does anyone have any best practices on how to do this? Should I just add the module folder to sys.path in the file?
Thank you for any help you can offer.
- Adam
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Hi David,
Great work......
I am newbie to Alteryx python. But when I tried to add my data from other workflow to pythonscriptrunner it's giving me an error. Instead of directly giving the data to the input how can I give the output of my workflow from where the pythonscriptrunner is connected.

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