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Publishing Chained App to Gallery

7 - Meteor

I am struggling to find some consistent information on this topic and am hoping to get some support from the community.


My organization is trying to publish a chained application with only 2 apps into our gallery, from local machines and other Alteryx users it runs without issue (as expected). I am able to publish the leading App up to the gallery without validation error and the Interface Designer has it setup to run the 2nd App in the chain as I have seen in several other threads.


Issue comes when executing 'Step 1' in the gallery the 2nd piece never executes prompting the user with the additional questions needed for 'Step 2'. 


We've tried publishing the 2nd App up to the gallery first and then the lead off one as well. Nothing seems to work right now.


Some items that might help us: Which assets need to be packaged up into the gallery? Does the UNC path need to be loaded for the triggering of the 2nd App? 


Any help would be greatly appreciated. 



6 - Meteoroid

I am also struggling with this. I have a workflow that contains 2 apps. It runs both on Alteryx but when I upload to the gallery, the second app does not run....
