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Parsing multiple items from string

8 - Asteroid


I'm trying to find a way to take the dependents names out of this block of text:


Doe, John - coverage was changed on [date] , new coverage effective [date] Doe, John - (Employee) coverage Added Doe, Jane - (Spouse) coverage Added Doe, Jill - (Child) coverage Added Doe, Jack- (Child) coverage Added Doe, Jackie - (Child) coverage Added


I need to take the names of the children and spouse and make them separate items. I've been trying to use regex to do this but I'm still a bit new and i'm not sure how to best do this. Any ideas?


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @ltensmeyer,

Just so I can understand the problem a bit better could you give an example of what you would expect the outcome to be in table format? 

8 - Asteroid



This is the final result I'm looking for. The important part is just separating each individual into a new row.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @ltensmeyer,

Here is one way:


You can parse the employee with this regex:

(.*?) -

Gets everything before the first space and dash.


Then tokenise to rows and get dependent and relation in a column together:

coverage Added (.*?)\)

This gets everything between coverage added and the next curvy bracket.


If you want to learn more about Regex the community has some really quick interactive videos on getting to grips with it here


Any questions or issues please ask

Ira Watt
Technical Consultant 


8 - Asteroid

This worked perfectly. Thank you so much for your help!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

No worries @ltensmeyer! have a good one 😄
