Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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PDF page count

8 - Asteroid

Is anyone aware or come accross a workflow that can count the number of pages in a PDF? is it possible? I am trying to develop a workflow app so that my group can QC production data that contains thousands of pdfs but would also would like to know page counts for reporting purposes.


Thank you

8 - Asteroid

Hi John,

Awesome- I modified the file path per your instructions and recieved the output I was looking for... Thank you I am sure others will find this as a usefull tool to handle pdfs.


Thank you again.

7 - Meteor

Hi @JohnJPS , thanks for this solution, I have one quick question. Should pdfinfo.yxmd be in the same directory that PDFs are in? I'm having a little confusion on which path should be in formula tool. Thank you very much! 



15 - Aurora

Hello @alteryxokan ,

Sadly I haven't had access to Alteryx for several years; (on a different team). Back in the day I would've experimented a bit with what you're asking, and perhaps you could do just that and see how it goes, and/or ask a new question referencing this one, so that the latest greatest group of Alteryx gurus will see the new question and provide their expertise.

Best of luck!

