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Outputing blank cells to SharePoint

8 - Asteroid

I have a SharePoint list where there is a column that has data in it that is no longer applicable to the column, and since the data I need to remove is in 3k+ rows I am trying to figure out a way to have Alteryx go into SharePoint and make those particular cells be empty.  I have tried using a formula tool where I just use "" to blank out that data and while that does work inside Alteryx, it doesn't actually update SharePoint.  I have also used a space between the quotation marks, but that does not output as being empty.  Since I am having to pull the data in list for metrics reasons I would really prefer to not have a "blank" option as well as an option where there is a space.  Is there anyway to have Alteryx simply remove data from a column and replace it with a true blank/empty cell?


Instead of using "" can you use Null()? This is a function that sets a cell as a null value instead of a blank

8 - Asteroid

Unfortunately not, when I do that it still does not remove the data from the cell in SharePoint.

8 - Asteroid

" " works for me, it created a trailing space but that is needed to overwrite. 
