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Output to multiple tabs in Excel


Can someone help me please how to locate the output from Alteryx workflow design to multiple tabs in excel template with specific cells?

I attach the excel template and output from Alteryx.

On Excel Template shows tabs: 32, 34, 36. Tabs 34 & 36 have multiple tabs for several towns/locations data. Each tab has template already designed by the Authority. I need to locate the Mcf and dollar amount along with town name. Tab 32 & 34 for total and the sub of tab 34 is for each town. Tab 36 is for each town for supplier. The output for Description column "Seller" goes to tab 32 cell C31 & G31 as total and tab 34 also for cell C31 & G31 for each town/location. The output for Description column "Transporter" goes to tab 32 & 34 cell G33. 

The town name goes to tab 34 cell B4. Town name for supplier goes to tab 36 cell C6.

I appreciate any feedback.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @SH2023 


You can write out data to specific cells by appending cell number to file name for each record like; output.xlsx|||Sheet1$F1:F1 


For example, attached workflow writes out data to dispersed cells in Sheet'36'. 


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

In addition to what @gawa raised, you can output to 1 Excel file with multiple tabs as well.




You can adjust Gawa's formula by putting in the file path of your output, and then add "|||"+[Your Designated Sheet name here], then run the process.


Make sure to select "Create new sheet" first, then each subsequent run can be "Overwrite sheet or range". Hope this helps!

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE

Hi Gawa,


Thank you for the feedback by creating the workflow.

I apologize if my explanation was not clear.  What this exercise needs is that the output should go to different sheet/tab rather one sheet as your snip shows.

So, f.e. the Output of town of Andrews go to sheet "36" for both account descriptions "Seller" and "Transporter". The output of town of Willow Park go to sheet "36 (2)" for both account descriptions "Seller" and "Transporter". The output of town of El Paso go to sheet "36 (3)" for both account descriptions "Seller" and "Transporter", etc.

I try to see the Output from your workflow, but I can't see as you have on the snip of your response. 

It shows several new sheets 360, 361000, 362000, 365000, 3610000. It seems the sheet name is based on the amount on each town.

What selection do you have on the Output? I snip my selection on 1 of the attached files here.

I attached my output files using your workflow. (there are 2 output files from your workflow).


Thank you for helping.
