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Output not working for a specific sheet

8 - Asteroid



I have tried inserting the "Block until done" tool at the places highlighted by the red arrow. But the output for the 1st excel file is not appearing.


Any help is appreciated!




17 - Castor

Hi @Vanessa_JWS 


While configuring the output tool, there are 4 options, 

Please use Overwrite Sheet or Range.




If my guess is right, you might be using the Overwrite file (Remove) where the 1st sheet is removed when saving the second ouput.


Many thanks

Shanker V


20 - Arcturus

@Vanessa_JWS Are you able to see data in the below section? Are there any errors or warnings showing in the result window?



8 - Asteroid

@ShankerV - Thanks for helping to look into this. I have checked all 4 outputs and for all 4 outputs, "Overwrite sheet or range" has been selected.

8 - Asteroid

@binuacs - Yes, I am able to see the data it's just that the output is not working :(

20 - Arcturus

@Vanessa_JWS are you writing the output to the same excel in different sheets? If yes can you check the sheet name in both the output tool and make sure they are different

8 - Asteroid

Yes - it's different. Initially it's the same and I amended. I am not sure whether that is casuing the issue but I have tried closing down and re-opn the workflow and it still doesn't work

20 - Arcturus

@Vanessa_JWS Can you share your output configuration from both the output tool?

8 - Asteroid

@binuacs : Here they are:


Output 1




Output 2




19 - Altair

This is fairly difficult to troubleshoot without considerable more details. Do you have a "take filename from field" option selected? My hypothesis:


1) you are sending in the same full path  to both output tools with use full path selected. In this scenario output 2 is overwriting output 1. BUD would have no effect here since once output 1 is done writing output 2 overwrites it.

2) you are modifying the full paths or filenames differently then you expect - the file may be being generated but with a filename which makes no sense.

3) there are no records flowing to one of the output tools. Check your logic on joins/filters/etc.


Those are the usual suspects.
