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Output a file and then use that output as an input in the same workflow

7 - Meteor

I am creating this workflow and I have an excel document as an input. After the process I output that into another excel document in sheet 1. The excel document is linked so once that gets inputted it populates sheet 3. I then want to use that sheet 3 as an input for another process within the same workflow. I hope that makes sense I included a diagram to illustrate this. I cant pull sheet 3 right away because I would have to wait for sheet 3 to get populated with the new data coming in. 

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Hi @afontaine


Have you tried using the Block Until Done tool? That's my go-to tool for this type of situation. You can also try the Paralel Block Until Done tool, depending on your use case.




Tool Mastery | Block Until Done





7 - Meteor

Block until Done was the first thing I thought of but I am not super familiar with using it. I looked at the mastery page and am still having some trouble configuring it the way I described above.

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus
Why do you need to output data and then input it again? Why can't you just use a separate stream from before your output and work from this, the data would be the same? Unless it's in append mode on the excel output?
ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus
Oh I see, sheet 3 runs generates data from sheet 1 which you are writing; personally I would push the excel transformations into Alteryx, I would never advise dipping in and out of different tools!

7 - Meteor

Well I am outputting the data to sheet 1 and want to input sheet 3 after sheet 3 gets updated with the new sheet 1 values. Sheet 3 is a summary page that pulls in data from a number of sources that are not currently in Alteryx.

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

I get it now.


Without bringing everything into Alteryx, you definetly need the Crew Macro Parallel Block Until Done.






This tool will allow you to run your process for sheet 1 through the top anchors. Once all that is done (including the write to sheet 1) you can input your data from sheet 3 and thread your process through the bottom anchors. 

7 - Meteor

This looks promising thank you!

7 - Meteor

Thanks for sharing the solution but in my case this is not working. 

I have a similar case as explained here, but when I pass the input file to the second link, it reads the original file with any output change from the first link. 


Please guide. I tried many solutions but no luck yet !!
