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Optimizing transportation cost using a max. 2 supplier constraint

5 - Atom

Hello community,


We are currently conducting a tender for airfreight services. We have received over 1500 bids from 10 suppliers, resulting in approximately 15,000 rates for  > 50 locations.

However, we are encountering an issue as we aim to restrict the number of suppliers to a maximum of 2 per origin location.


Could you please suggest a suitable tool and provide guidance on how to utilize it to determine the most cost-efficient pair of suppliers per location of origin?


I considered using a linear regression model, but I'm struggling to incorporate the constraint of limiting suppliers to a maximum of 2.


Thank you in advance!

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hi @TijsBooij,


This sounds like a job for the Optimization Tool - but this can be a bit tricky to set up. If you send some sample and/or anonymized data I can see if I can help set this up.




11 - Bolide
5 - Atom

Thank you for the quick reply, I have included a .csv with sample data. 10 suppliers, 10 locations with each 30 lanes and 30 prices. I have been playing with the Optimization tool, but can't get the max. 2 supplier limit to work properly.


Thanks again
