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Number of Unique Values Changing Unintentionally

6 - Meteoroid

Long story short, I am working with millions of records and after I do some data cleanup the browse tool shows that I have 133 unique values in a Name field. After joining some calendar data to the set, the browse tool shows that I have 144 unique values in the same Name field - although no additional names were added via the join. My next tool is a text-to-columns to split a different field of data - the proceeding browse tool shows that I now have 138 unique values in the same Name field. 


I have seen other fields in the browse tool marked with a note stating that Alteryx is only showing me a sample of my data, but that is not the case with the Name field at any of the stops. I assume that is not the case since they are not marked. 


Anyone have any ideas on what is happening with my data?

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris


Not sure if the millions of records has reached the limites of Alteryx, but better to check for sure

We can also use the Summarize tool to count the unique records of your "Name" fields

First "Group by" then "Count Distinct" then Join with your Unique tool to check who is missing, who is joining the party uninvited.

The same checking can applied to your 133, 144, 138 unique values. Find who is responsible :)


6 - Meteoroid

@Qiu You were right! I should have checked with that earlier - I'm gonna blame it on staring at this data for the past 11 hours. 

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Been there also. :)
Sometimes take a break and think a different way might help
