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Not a known file format error workaround.

8 - Asteroid

I've used this article as inspiration to  create a batch macro to process batches of files.  The files I'm processing are simple text / csv files, however, they have a .chart extension instead of the more standard .txt or .csv.  As a result, when I run my macro, I'm getting the following error: Action tool #17 has an error. The file "c:\bel02062012.chart" is not a known format (2).  


The script stil runs fine, but with an error.  Is there a way I can add the .chart format to Alteryx so that it is a known format. 

12 - Quasar

I dont think adding a file format to Alteryx is possible

Does .Chart file has the same structure as your txt files withe same delimiters, if so there may be a utility to convert .CHART to Txt Which you can call using Run Command Tool then execute your Main workflow


i think this is the way you can rectify your file format issue

if you can post a sample file of chart extension we can try something

8 - Asteroid

Thanks for the reply and good idea. If memory serves the Dos command REN should be able to change the extensions for me with a single command: ren *.chart *.txt.


Thanks again,


16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Also, depending on your use case, you may be able to avoid the Command line piece and just read it in directly.  Just configure your input as CSV with whatever delimiter you use (here, the pipe is used).  You can adjust your file path using a asterisk too to grab more than just one file (assuming they all have the identical schema).
2016-01-04 13_44_08-Clipboard.jpg
